Safran Contract Renewed For U.S. Army UH-72 Lakota Helicopter Engine Support

Safran Helicopter Engines has signed an agreement with Airbus Helicopters to continue supporting Arriel engines powering the U.S. Army UH-72 Lakota helicopter fleet. This contract formalizes a Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) and service agreement supporting over 900 Arriel 1E2 and Arriel 2E engines, operated by the U.S. Army on its UH-72A and UH-72B. This contract will be managed by Safran Helicopter Engines USA, from its Grand Prairie, TX facility and its office located in Daleville, AL supporting the training fleet located at Fort Rucker, AL.

U.S. Armys UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopters

Safran Helicopter Engines assembles, tests and supports several Arriel engine variants in Grand Prairie, including the Arriel 1E2 and the Arriel 2E. The Arriel engine has a solid reputation of reliability and footprint in the U.S., with more than 3,000 engines in service. The U.S. Army Arriel fleet has flown in excess of 2.5 million engine flight hours. With power outputs ranging from 650 to over 1,000 shp, the Arriel family powers over 40 different rotorcraft. The Arriel is the best-selling helicopter engine in its class, with over 12,000 engines produced and over 50 million flight hours flown. An Arriel powered helicopter takes off every 15 seconds, every day.

The Arriel 2E engine, with a take-off power of 894 shp, has been certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in December 2012. (Photo by Safran)

Thierry Derrien, Safran Helicopter Engines USA, President and CEO said: “Safran Helicopter Engines is honored to continue working alongside Airbus in providing the engine logistics support for the US Army fleet of UH-72 Lakota’s. Our team remains ready to support Airbus and the U.S. Army through proximity locations and continues to show the importance of our U.S. presence.”

Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 76,800 employees and sales of 15.3 billion euros in 2021, and holds, alone or in partnership, world or regional leadership positions in its core markets. Safran Helicopter Engines is the world’s leading manufacturer of helicopter engines, with more than 75,000 produced since being founded. It offers the widest range of helicopter turboshafts in the world and has more than 2,500

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